Our Formula for Success
In today’s world, school safety is an issue that must be addressed. Your children will be kept safe throughout the school day with the effective, precautionary safety measures put into place at the school. Lee's Summit Academy employs a full time licensed security enforcement officer on campus. The security officer ensures the safety of students, faculty, and visitors inside the school and their surrounding premises. Lee’s Summit Academy also has state of the art security cameras with alarm monitoring system.
Standardized Testing
At Lee's Summit Academy, your children will participate annually in national standardized testing using the Iowa Test of Basic Skills. Standardized testing is a reliable and objective measure of student achievement. It allows students to focus on important skills that all students need to master. Lee's Summit Academy students exceed expectations, many scoring well above the norm in several academic areas. Numerous students who come to Lee's Summit Academy with below-average skills later score at or above grade level on this test.
Experienced Teachers
Our teachers are a hallmark of Lee's Summit Academy. Experienced and compassionate, they have a genuine concern for the progress of each child. Experienced teachers are more effective at raising student achievement. Experienced teachers have better classroom management which leads to a better learning environment. Plus, our low student-teacher ratio makes Lee's Summit Academy a top contender among private schools.
Enrichment Courses
Electives such as band, vocal, art, drum fit, drama, Spanish, drivers education, robotics, physical education, public speaking and more will further enhance your children’s education. Talents are discovered and developed as your kids participate in these carefully chosen electives. Home schooled students also have the opportunity to participate in electives at Lee's Summit Academy.
NCAA Certified
Lee’s Summit Academy is certified by the NCAA for scholarship eligibility. The NCAA examined LSA’s curriculum, graduation stats and other data to ensure that the academy met academic requirements. What does this mean for our students? Students who are actively pursuing sports through clubs and other associations can attend LSA and be academically eligible to play college sports and to receive sports’ scholarships.
Sycamore, our complete online student information center, keeps you informed of your children’s daily activities, assignments and grades. Its Pass-A-Note feature enables excellent parent/teacher communication. This, combined with our well-equipped computer lab, will help your kids make better grades.
Musical Productions
Requiring extra effort and teamwork, musical productions help build good character. Involvement in our productions will positively impact your children’s lives as they develop valuable skills that will last a lifetime. Participating in musical productions build self-confidence, imagination, empathy and tolerance, cooperation/collaboration, concentration, communication skills, fun, trust, memory and social awareness. Producing classics such as “Hello Dolly” and “South Pacific,” Lee's Summit Academy students put their all into this creative aspect of their education.
Spring Formal
Our annual Spring Formal is a social gathering that students, parents, teachers and our administrators look forward to. It’s a formal affair with dinner and professional entertainment that the students and their parents enjoy. Lasting memories are created at these special events.